First Commercial Cerene Cryoablation Proceudures in US Preformed at Cameron Hospital
Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Angola, Ind. — Cameron Memorial Community Hospital’s Dr. Todd Rumsey is the first physician in the US to perform a commercial Cerene cryoablation, an important procedure for women who suffer from excessive menstrual bleeding.

“I am honored to be the first physician in the U.S. to bring this innovative technology to our patients,” said Dr. Todd Rumsey, Chief Medical Officer of Cameron Memorial Community Hospital. “Cerene has the potential to be a real game-changer for women seeking treatment for their heavy menstrual bleeding. Cerene is an effective, safe and easy to use endometrial cryoablation procedure designed from its’ inception to be performed in the convenience of my office. The cryo or freezing temperatures were well tolerated without the need for conscious sedation or general anesthesia. My patients experienced very little discomfort during and after their procedures. From my experience, this compares favorably with high temperature heat-based technologies that burn the tissue away versus freezing it. My takeaway is that patients can now reliably seek treatment for their heavy menstrual bleeding in the familiarity of their physician’s office versus the hospital or ASC setting.”

About the Cerene Cryotherapy Device:
The Cerene Device was developed with feedback from leading clinicians and is indicated for endometrial cryoablation in premenopausal women with heavy menstrual bleeding due to benign causes for whom childbearing is complete. Cryoablation is a well-characterized, durable therapy routinely used to ablate malignant and benign human tissues. In the uterus, the use of cryothermic energy has been shown to reduce the likelihood of scarring and intrauterine adhesions while preserving the possibility to adequately evaluate the endometrial cavity in most patients to diagnose and treat future intrauterine conditions. The team at Channel Medsystems has integrated the cryothermic energy delivery system into a disposable, self-contained, ergonomic device, eliminating the need for capital equipment.

“We are excited to work with Dr. Rumsey and Cameron Memorial Community Hospital to make this next generation endometrial ablation treatment available to women who suffer from heavy menstrual bleeding.” The benefits of Cerene were well documented in the clinical trial and we look forward to making this treatment option available to the hundreds of thousands of women who suffer from heavy menstrual bleeding” said Ric Cote, President and CEO of Channel Medsystems, Inc.

About Channel Medsystems:
Channel Medsystems is a privately held company founded to bring innovation to the delivery of women’s healthcare. The Company strives to develop treatments to meet the unique needs of female patients and the high standards of their healthcare providers. Channel Medsystems is committed to ensuring that women have access to high quality outcomes that can be delivered in the convenience and comfort of their healthcare provider’s office. For more information, please visit www.channelmedsystems.com.


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